As America Enters Banana Republic Mode, Vile GOP Unilaterally and Intentionally Disarms Themselves By Voting To Kick Out George Santos
By The Admin
Today, the GOP controlled house voted to expel George Santos (R), in a unilateral disarmament. In the political realm, saying we won’t unilaterally disarm means; If the other side won’t kick out their baddies, then neither shall we.
If the other side won’t follow the rules or the Constitution (which is a limiting document) then neither shall we. If the other side is instead going to run roughshod over said Constitution in order to imprison and attack us, then — so the fuck shall we.
Today, the entirely predictably weak and feckless RINO-led and broke-ass GOP bent over and let the regime pound away, while weakening their own party and constituents in the process. The Democrats will now gain a seat in the House. Even Dan Bongino sees this for what it is.
War Time Conservatives
Waxing poetically about the now defunct Constitution and rule of law, will lead to our inevitable demise, as our enemies run roughshod over its limiting principles in order to destroy us. The FBI and media protection-racket of the regime is increasingly going to lead to situations such as this;
Listen to the weak GOP voices. Listen to their pathetic desperation. That’s the GOP and its future. We seriously need a new MAGA party, to counteract this defunct, feckless and broke GOP. I would also note the empty threats from the Senate Republicans in the video above about grave consequences. There will be no such consequences, and the Democrats know it.