This is a little on the nose, Google. Advertisers were notified that Google will be updating its regime propaganda enforcement policy inappropriate content policy to better clarify the definition of false flags “sensitive events.”
Non-pretending explanation: Google wants to ensure it can properly promote regime narratives during false flags, and not be shackled by their stupid advertisers. A lot of people are also commenting on the timing and specificity of this update, suggesting foreknowledge of a false flag sensitive event. From WallStreetApes:
No need to panic. Just keep an eye out and prepare. It’s always wise to have emergency cash on hand, or Bitcoin, should the banks go down for a bit.
Everything they’re throwing at us to stop Trump, ain’t working. And it’s hard not to expect a false flag in order to cancel the 2024 election. FYI: Both Ukraine and Israel suspended their most recent elections in light of their “emergency”. Israel was on the brink of civil war before Hamas snuck in for a 6-hour orgy of violence and mayhem.
Just prepare and keep an eye on things, and as for this Substack; We get very little traffic from Google, and we’re not an advertiser with them, so we couldn't care less about Google.