Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson sit down for a discussion about red-pill events, issues and some topics of not usually discussed consequence.
In the bigger picture Rogan and Carlson discuss the falsity of the politics, including the lying by every information institution amid the GREAT PRETENDING ERA of modern time. Carlson admits his “awakening” came about as a result of Donald Trump achieving victory in the 2016 election and the institutional backlash from the intelligence and law enforcement apparatus.
Overall, the interview and podcast discussion appears to be 3-hours long and hits on a variety of subjects including aliens, spirituality, religion, politics, religion, science and current socioeconomic events. There is something in this interview for everyone. WATCH:
If you have watched, feel free to draw attention to the part you find the most enjoyable. If you can cite the time stamp from the video above it will assist others in expanding the conversation.