Listen to the Way He Says It – John Thune: “I hope to be” Senate Majority Leader
Written by Sundance of The Conservative Treehouse
Sundance — This is an interesting response to whether South Dakota Senator John Thune intends to seek the position of senate majority leader. Listen to the way he says it, and the transparency of the long-discussed plan is crystal clear.
We have written about this plan for several years. Mitch McConnell personally groomed Thune for the position and has introduced him to all the key financial players that keep the DeceptiCons (Deceptive Conservatives) in office.
Thune talks about assuming the role as the natural outcome of his time with McConnell. Unfortunately, almost all the GOPe republicans will support this passing of the baton. The only thing that makes the Deep State professional republicans nervous, is the potential for President Donald Trump to intercede in the anointing.
There is the potential for this to be an inflection point if President Trump weighs in on the role of the next Republican Senate Leader. I would expect Mitch McConnell to try to pull a Machiavellian move with an endorsement of Trump and a promise of non-conflict. McConnell may even make pledges of support for Trump’s nominees in an effort to play the long game for Thune. Of course, as customary, that would all be a ruse and Thune would await the opportune moment to play the role of DC Brutus.
It’s a complicated political dynamic because Senator Thune comes to the negotiating table with all the Senate support needed for his installation. The power game is almost equally matched, with only WE THE PEOPLE as the tilting weapon to shift leverage to the side of President Trump. In the background, the interests that support Thune will be quietly working every angle to block and/or ultimately remove President Trump. Senator Thune knows this game, it’s his home turf…. So does Trump, and he has us… So, we keep watching.