Fox News polling is generally skewed away from the reality of the base sentiment by the polling from Daron Shaw and Shaw Research and Associates. They have a long history of polling skews to favor Murdoch’s traditional candidates.
That said, the latest polling from Daron Shaw [Direct Data Here] shows President Trump widening his lead as more Republican primary voters begin to tune in. Conversely, Ron DeSantis is shedding voters to Nikki Haley, albeit in not significant enough measures to make a statistical impact.
There is quite a bit of good news in the continued polling results, when you consider the scale of money pushed by the multinationals in their effort to remove Donald Trump. Obviously, given the nature of the collapse, amid the corporately approved Trump alternatives, the base voter of the Republican Party is very awake.
Ten years ago, the Middle-America voter was not as keenly aware of the Republican manipulation as they are today. This modern shift and greater awakening is a very good sign of health for our nation overall. I continue to be optimistic we will ultimately prevail and work through a painful process of restoration. The fight will be ugly, messy and likely uncomfortable, but worth it.