Illegal aliens do not need to vote, they only need to exist in a database as physical persons. Their personage is then shifted to voter rolls in order to generate ballots.
Any state or federal system that links a physical identity to the secretary of state voter rolls will work. Any system, like the USPS postal change of address system, which would remove physical identities from state voter rolls is not useful.
Their goal is to maximize the number of systems which generate registration, and then a ballot. Second only to Driver’s License/State ID issuance, it’s everything.
Sign up for public assistance, get registered to vote.
Sign up for state benefits, get registered to vote.
Sign up for a state id, get registered to vote.
Sign up for state college, get registered to vote.
Sign up for a grant, get registered to vote.
Sign up for unemployment, get registered to vote.
Sign up for any state system and get registered to vote.
Get married, change names, change addresses, etc.
This is how voter rolls expand and it’s how the ballot printing database is assembled. From there onward it becomes a question of logistics.
The Logistics
Approximately 500 ballots = a file box
500,000 ballots = 1,000 file boxes
Average semi-trailer = 1,600 boxes (22 to 24 pallets)
500,000 ballots = Approx 15 pallets holding 1,000 boxes.
A lot of paper and physical resources are needed. The logistics present a challenge. That’s the discussion.
If electronic voting is the process, then USB drives can be uploaded and deployed. If physical paper ballots are required, it is more logistically challenging.
Downstream from the ballot creation process is where you find the “ballot submission assistance” programs. Where local community networks, regional activist groups and widespread community organizers come into play.
Instead of advertising or the previous electioneering systems around candidate promotion, and Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts, the majority of donations to the DNC are now used in the ballot assistance programs.
Harvest ballots, then combine them with the ballots assembled for scanning (Clyburn team) in the key districts. The destinations for the pallets of extra ballots, are run by Democrats in regions dominated by Democrat residents.
It is very uncomfortable for Republican poll watchers to operate there. This remains part of the problem.
In the 35 years that the RNC was not legally permitted to challenge voter fraud, the 1982 to 2017 New Jersey Consent Decree, the RNC lost all the mechanisms and institutional know how to organize election security measures.
The RNC has been slow to establish any institutional power thereafter. This problem within the RNC is still visible. Democrats are using this advantage with their ballot harvesting and scanning operations.