Michigan complete. I transmitted the travel pattern, location and sequencing for Clyburn’s visits to the state. We are seeing the outcome now detail in the pattern of campaign visits by Harris and Walz. It’s a tight pattern, and colleges and universities seem to play a bigger role.
We now know the exact precincts and the information has been relayed. HQ is Ann Arbor, and the six outlined areas are the focus points. The goal is ballot integrity and security. This one is much harder than Wisconsin.
Anyone who wants to sign up as a poll watcher in Michigan can use THIS LINK – and/or GO TO True the Vote HERE for training. However, being brutally honest, Michigan is a hot mess of horrible republicanism in the key areas that matter.
If you read the information on Poll Watching and Challenging, you will understand how the state process seems to be designed to facilitate fraud. The Republican party in Michigan seems to have similarities to the Republican party in Arizona (and this is Ronna McDaniel’s home turf).
Next stop, Pennsylvania.
Will you be reporting on Ohio?