“You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option,” I think it was Bob Marley who said that, lol, but it’s true. I’m so far outside the wire trying to research, communicate, dig through globalist lies and quantify the crazy in terms that are understandable, sometimes I think this effort itself is nuts. Then again, being a dissident means living your best life and to never stop swinging for the fences.
The plan was to meet with people who have a solid, I mean historically impenetrable understanding of how to organize a solidarity movement, then learn everything I could, ask questions, seek counsel, find the network, and put the plans into an actionable effort that could be brought back to the USA. {GO DEEP}
The best people to teach you how to defend against the looming fascist and corporate takeover, are those who actually fought it. The Eastern EU countries are the epicenter of the best rebel alliance thinkers.
Pulling the labeled dissidents into my orbit, learning and questioning has been fascinating and seriously informative. The initial plan was to bring a few back with me, and go on a tour of several states to discuss and organize with stateside allies.
However, some entity at the Dept of State intercepted our plan, and we have run into newly refused visa issues even though they were previously approved. If I was a conspiracy minded person, I would notice these visa issues “happened” immediately after my laptops and other devices were compromised by a “virus” in Prague that rendered them useless.
I am not quitting the effort to bring them to the U.S. yet. Yep, ask those who know, and you’ll discover that putting a hurdle in front of a CTH plan only makes my resolve harden. Also, there are far more good people inside the system trying to help than there are bad people trying to harm. The difference is the bad people are in positions of power and authority. But they are few, and we are many — never forget that.
The EU farmers, truckers, machinists, general laborers and shakable calloused hands are all super insightful and full of no-quit in their DNA, that’s super cool. People stateside tell me I’m crazy for trying this, and hell, who knows, maybe I am? I’ve failed a lot, but I’m not going to quit. I love this country, and she’s worth fighting for.
I don’t have all the answers, I just know the current status quo is not going to work; not for me, not for you and not for the generation behind us that deserves better.
If you’ve got a better idea, then tell me — Don’t be quiet — Speak. I’ve got a lot of research to complete and an entire network ready to mobilize to support any stateside effort.
The rest of the world knows how important 2024 is for America, and they are willing to put their time into helping us get President Trump back into office.
We know if Donald Trump can return the MAGA fight to Washington DC, the entire apparatus of government, and yes that probably includes your elected representatives, will fight to destroy him at every opportunity.
How Do We?
Support President Trump.
Push back against the weaponized state?
Confront our government abusers?
While there are more of us than them, our singular efforts often face the united force of “them” against a divided “us”.
One of the ways we have discussed direct push back is a modern version of a workers’ solidarity movement.
Essentially, the creation of an organized system where targeted general worker strikes can have an impact on the system targeting us.
It is one thing to discuss the Polish Solidarity Movement in esoteric terms of endearment. It is another thing entirely to think about the application of a labor strike within the United States, where 370 million people live.
However, if you apply the concept of tactical civics simultaneously, you can make an argument that tactical civics are the shield (EU truckers), and a labor strike is the spear (EU farmers).
One of the advantages we have in the USA is our Constitutional republic, and the ability of states to determine their own interests.
Think about targeting going in reverse, where WE THE PEOPLE now target the non-compliant system operators and/or politicians.
A Senator or Congress person aligns against Trump’s interests, our interests, and instead of gnashing our teeth, we immediately begin a targeted work stoppage in/around the representative’s district. We wouldn’t need tens of millions to make an impact, only a few thousand could change everything.
How Does It Work?
How is it possible? How did the people of Poland pay their bills during the solidarity strikes? How do you organize that process so that everyone can participate, and yet no one individually needs to carry the risk of losing? These nuts-and-bolts questions are part of my research mission.
How effective would a Congressional District “Sick-out” day, be? Perhaps timed for every Wednesday, and continuing until the representative understood that he/she alone was the cause of the economic trouble in their district?
You see, a general labor strike doesn’t need to be scaled to the size of Poland circa 1980s; instead, with modern communication, it can target very specific places and have a large impact.
The dismantling of a weaponized government first begins with a set of political representatives who are willing to take apart the institutional tools that government uses to weaponize their power.
As we saw with the hyped and predictably failed Congressional Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government, once the public appears to be satiated with false hope from yet another created assembly, the representative group does nothing.
The urgency of the committee silo might look entirely different if the trash was not getting picked up in the committee members’ districts. Or the lawns were not getting mowed, or the cooks stayed home, etc.
You never realize how strong you are until being strong is your only option. I will have much more to share on this issue, as we will likely have a lot of support from ordinary MAGA-minded people in a multitude of countries.
The Dutch, German, Polish, Romanian, French, Spanish, and Irish farmers/truck drivers are figuring out how effective it can be if they push back with strategic solidarity. We can learn a valuable lesson.
Whether Donald Trump wins the 2024 election or not, the same practical process will be needed. If Trump wins the election, it will be to provide support under the auspices of unavoidable pressure.
We don’t wait for primary races to defeat the people who stand against us in 2025; instead, we trigger the financial consequences immediately. If you’ve got better ideas, then share them. If you think this effort can work, then DONATE HERE.
Love to all, Sundance
Thank you and May God continue to bless you Sundance.