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Thank you for your perceptive analysis, Sundance. This deleted 20 seconds of Oliver-Carlson interview was eye opening.

What I would add to this as a retired Christian attorney, is the following:

One Neil Oliver brings to the table is the knowledge of history. In 2020, two history books - the latter recommended by my Integrative Medicine, MD - brought me truth, and the way through the pandemic without shots, etc. The first was "The Great Influenza: the epic story of the greatest plague in history" by John M. Barry https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC450178/ about the misnamed "Spanish Flu." . The second was "The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity & Life" by Arthur Firstenberg, which my doctor brought to me from the 2019 EMF Medical Conference, Costa Mesa, CA right before COVID/5G rollout. It tells of an environmental link of the rollout of radar coinciding with the 1918 "Spanish Flu" which began in the United States in Kansas as the US military trained operators in radio wireless waves. This is in addition to the use of high doses of aspirin that Neil mentions. The epidemiology, like COVID, never showed traditional infectious etiology or pattern, but rather an environmental trigger of microwave radiation's non-thermal effects from wireless proliferation; just like the 2020 rollout worldwide of 5G wireless radiation hotspots & satellites (in an almost identical overlay pattern looking at Big Tech coverage maps) as "COVID" hotspots; notably Wuhan, China. Well-known Canadian researcher, Dr. Magda Havas, collaborated with 2021 journal study authors Rubik and Brown on this publication https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8580522/ "Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G".

If you read these sources & many others including military studies on the non-thermal biological effects of non-natural non-ionizing radiation, this is electrical illness intersecting with the rapid gross deployment of wireless & 5G for inhumane globalist control and depopulation purposes. Symptoms include raising inflammation, suppressing immune systems, pneumonias, heart, heme (RBC) roleaux clotting, calcium efflux from VGCC, brain fog, etc. The Rubk study shows the parallel between symptoms of microwave sickness (radiofrequency sickness) and COVID. This is how they "know" when the next "pandemic" wave, etc. will occur. It is planned, and coincides with additional Starlink, etc. 5G space deployment and continued "smart" dumb city rollout inside and outside of our homes.

We truly are the frogs in the hot water that is being heated gradually to the boiling point.

This is another tool in the globalist attempted extermination of the planet.

https://www.warnandcomfortthepeople.org for my personal encounter with adverse effects of this technology. Big picture good vs evil with the mad scientists' putting additional layers of harm for one intent.

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